6 Best Reasons for Choosing Eco-Friendly Engagement Rings (2024)

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by Suzanne Sachs  5 min read



Couples today are more socially conscious and aware of sustainability, environmental impact, and natural alternatives than ever before. It is no surprise, then, that many couples are concerned with choosing an eco-friendly engagement ring that will show their commitment to the planet even as they make their commitment to each other. But what is an eco-friendly engagement ring, and how can you be sure the ring you choose is kind to nature?


In this guide, we will explain the following:

  • What Is an Eco-Friendly Engagement Ring?
  • What It Means To Be Eco-Friendly
  • Diamond Source
  • Ethics
  • Recycling and Sustainable
  • Shipping and Transportation
  • Retailer Policies
  • Labor Ethics
  • Choosing an Eco-Friendly Engagement Ring?

What is an Eco-Friendly Engagement Ring?

There are many different types of eco-friendly engagement rings that can ease a couple’s conscience. While there are new jewelry retailers who follow strict ethical practices, an even better option for couples who want an ethical, eco-friendly ring is to consider an antique or vintage engagement ring. Because older rings were mined, designed, and sold long before present-day civil rights conflicts and human rights violations, they were not part of the financing those unethical operations. Reusing an older ring is the ultimate in recycling, and couples could also start with an older ring and have it reset into recycled metals for a new ring with a rich, ethical history.

What It Means To Be Eco-Friendly

• Diamond Source 

Where an engagement ring’s stone comes from is a tremendous indication of whether or not a ring is eco-friendly. Couples should avoid conflict or blood diamonds and insist on stones that have been ethically sourced and not used to finance rebellions. Recycled stones from older rings are a great option. 

Art Deco Old Mine Cut Diamond & Square Cut Sapphire Engagement Ring



How a jewelry company conducts its business can impact how eco-friendly an engagement ring may be. Companies that use unregulated strip-mining processes or otherwise devastate the land where their stones are found are not considered eco-friendly and should be avoided.

 Recycling and Sustainable 

The design of a diamond ring can reflect its eco-friendly nature when the precious metals are recycled and refined rather than newly mined. The manufacturing process of the jewelers is also a consideration, and couples should be sure each company that works on the ring practices responsible ethics and conservation.

• Shipping and Transportation

How a diamond or gemstone and the resulting ring travels from mine to jeweler to store to a fiancé’s finger should be part of its eco-friendly history. Packaging made from recycled or reused materials, shipping arranged with renewable fuels, and the use of carbon offsets or otherwise reducing the ring’s carbon footprint can make it more eco-friendly.

Retailer Policies

Eco-Conscious couples will investigate the retailer where they purchase an engagement ring to ensure the company supports causes and organizations that are in line with the couple’s beliefs and concerns. Charitable contributions, sponsorships, and similar actions can demonstrate how a company feels about community support and its own social conscience.

• Labor Ethics

From the mining to the jewelry design and construction to the shipping and sale of the ring, a true eco-friendly engagement ring will be supported by companies that believe in fair labor practices, adequate wages, and local support with every step. This enhances our global community and binds everyone together with environmental and social responsibility.

Retro Vintage 1940's Cushion Cut Aquamarine Ring w/ Diamonds 14K 3.90 Ct

Choosing an Eco-Friendly Engagement Ring

By choosing an eco-friendly engagement ring, couples can find a ring that represents not only their love for one another, but their love for a healthier planet, peaceful communities, and a hopeful future – not just for themselves, but for everyone their ring has impacted in the past and will impact for many happy anniversaries to come.


Antique Engagement Rings For Everyone:

No matter which era is your favorite, these time-honored rings have a rich history and individualized character and will continue to have a timeless beauty and elegant appeal that is part of a legacy to pass on to future generations.

Find The Perfect Engagement Ring:

Vintage rings are prized not only for their beauty but also for their exquisite attention to detailing and faceting. If you’re looking for a ring with a sense of glamour, sophistication and vintage charm, explore our collection of eco-friendly engagement rings today!

Suzanne Sachs

Suzanne has always believed vintage rings can change lives. She's been in the jewelry industry for over 35 years, working with vintage jewelers, diamond dealers, diamond cutters, and gemologists. Suzanne started Artdecodiamonds in 2000 and understood the demand for vintage rings throughout the world. She ultimately started VintageDiamondRing.com in 2014, and understands each vintage ring is a reflection of you – your history, your relationships, your style, your elegance and is honored to have the opportunity to help you showcase your flair in a unique and exquisite way.
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Thrive Global

Art Deco Emerald Ring

Contact Suzanne

If you love vintage or eco-friendly jewelry please feel free to contact Suzanne or browse our collection of eco-friendly vintage engagement rings.

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